The Basics:
2nd Corinthians was written by the Apostle Paul and by Timmothy. It is a letter to the church at Corinth. We have two letters from Paul to the Church at Corinth. We have evidence that he wrote 4 letters. He refers to the two missing letters in his writings. The 2nd Corinthian Epistle (letters) represents a pretty stark change from 1st Corinthians. Some speculate that 2nd corinthians is actually more than one letter and that it is in part one of the missing letters.
The earliest version of the letter that we have is on papyrus, and dates to the year AD 200, which is only 160-165 years after the death of Christ. So there is little or no doubt about it's authenticity or authorship.
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. test yourselves. Paul calls us to lead a self examined life. I am rocked by something Tami just said in a good way. She finally explained why we fell apart. It wasn't specific lies. It was her fear of the unknown and my BS self aggrandizing need to try to make her promises that didn't come true. She would try to believe, and then they wouldn't happen or something better or worse would happen. I needed a better way to communicate with her. The reason things fell apart. I could never understand before because I wasn't ready to hear that message when I was outside in. Now trying to live inside out, and lead an examined life, I have hope of not just improving relations with her, but also everyone. Authenticity comes from living a self examined inside out life. And the question isn't just who is in charge or who's will to follow, it is deeper than that... The question is this, is Christ truly living in you, that is what matters because that is what answers the dang question correctly.
Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you? Unless of course you fail the test? Ok so you can love the Lord, and want to be a better person, but still not allow Christ to live in your heart. You can read and study and pray, and trust me you gotta pray if you want any shot at the life you want, but still not allow Christ to be living in you. And maybe that is the complete surrender to the will of God. Not just trying to follow Gods rule book, or praying heartfelt prayers of submission to the will of God, but rather, allowing Christ to live in you.
So I think it is enough to love God and to accept his will, but when is enough ever good enough? Especially when you might be able to have so much more? There is a difference between Grace, Salvation, and total submission. I didn't get that before.
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