Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How to forgive: Job 14:16-17

The basics:

The book of Job is attributed to Job, but was probably written by an israelite living somewhere in Edam, which is now northern Arabia.  The book was probably not written in Hebrew, but rather in Aramaic and translated.  Job is a prophet in all 3 Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.   Job is the author and central character in the book of Job.  Basically he is a righteous and prosperous man who is beset with a whole host of troubles and problems.  But through all of his problems he never loses faith in God.

The book of Job is the first book of poetry in the bible.  It is widely considered one of the worlds great literary works.

The book of Job is very old, and is a part of the Hebrew Bible.  Job is mentioned also in the new testament, so we know it predates the time of Christ.  Probably written somewhere around 700-400 BCE.

The book of Job has been the inspiration for many musical writing, plays, and other literature.

14:16 - Surely then you will count my steps but not keep track of my sin - So god knows our "steps"  he knows everything you have been through.   He understands your weary heart, your tiredness and your pain.  He knows every wrong you have ever done, but he still doesn't keep an accounting of your sine.  And literally thank God for that.   Understand that Job is about to die, he is frustrated, he has tried to talk to friends and warn them about what he has learned and about our frailty as humans.  He is saying "lord you know how many steps Ive taken, Im old... but I know you are still a loving god.

14:17 - My offenses will be sealed up in a bag; you will cover over my sin. -  So I've spent the past 30 minutes trying to see if there is something deeper to this verse.  To understand if I've missed something.   I honestly now think it is just a poetic turn of phrase.  But what a beautiful one.  I think is is related to the bagging up the clothing and possessions of the sick (lepers) and burying them.  Afterall, at this point Job is diseased and dying.   But he asks please bag up my sins and bury them, not my worldly things.   But rather anything that keeps me from you...

The real lesson is how to forgive.  To forgive like god.   God will forgive you, but that is easy for him, he's God.    The real take away from this verse is to forgive, like God.  When you forgive it must be like no offense was ever made.  You simply forgive it completely.  You wrap it up and bury it.  It is not forgotten, that is not realistic.   You will still have scars and pain from it.  But the offense must be completely forgiven.   Forgiveness is a gift that you give yourself.  You are the one hurting when you think about the wrong that someone has done to you.   If we focus on my BS when we were us, and Tami's mistake, we will never heal and we will always hurt.   So the sins of the past must be buried covered over and forgotten as sins.  Remembered as things to instruct us, but not as offenses made.   It is easy to say, "I can forgive, if I can understand why..."   but really you don't need to understand why.   If you love, you simply forgive.  If you can't do that, you get to keep hurting.   And you forgiving someone doesn't mean they have to forgive you.  So forgiving really is something you do for your.   It is the paradox of our faith,  the things we are "doing" for others... are actually some of the best things we can do for ourselves.  it is more blessed to give then receive...

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