Monday, July 11, 2016

1 peter 2 24-25 Commentary

I ask you all for prayers.   Know that I am right now praying for you as well.

The Basics

1st Peter is another book who's authorship is controversial.   1st Peter is typically attributed to Peter (yes Simon Peter).    But most scholars think at most he dictated the letter to Silvanus (his secretary) or more likely it is a letter written in Petrine tradition to the other churches, possibly influenced by Paul or Mark.

Probably written between 60-160 AD.   Sometime in this period the official persecution of Christians had begun, and included trials by fire, which is referenced in the text.   Peter was deceased by this time.  But could also just be a passionate turn of the Phrase by Peter.  Biblical scholars work tirelessly to examine deeply the historical efficacy of the texts.  It is in every way possible that Peter was in fact the author (even by dictation) of the letter.  I tend to favor this argument.   Biblical scholars tend to view the text as fixed in time, a rock for their analysis.  But I accept that the original letter may have been changed overtime, added to with a divine guiding hand.  So when you look at it in those terms,  the authorship of Peter seems very likely to me.

It was more than a letter to one church.  It went out to many churches.  Which I think strengthens the argument that Peter dictated this letter.

24 “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”

This is really the beginning of paschal-ism.  The idea that Christ physically carried our sins to the cross.   It is an inspiring concept, but one that I struggle with.   The idea that Christ literally, not figuratively, but literally bore the sins of mankind in his body.   It is of course true, and in typical fashion, not really what was going on at the cross.   Think about it,  in the triune God head, this was literally God going to the cross for us.   Why?  the easy answer is love, his willingness to be a paschal sacrifice for us.   He didnt have to do this. He could have just said "poof you are all forgiven" But he went to the cross. He gives us the free will to remember that, to choose to return to the Shepherd.  That is the low flying approach, and the most important approach to this verse.  To display that our lives should be focused not on this world, where pain and suffering, and sin abound, but rather on heaven where we are united again with the Lord.  Sure, yes also a good interpretation.   But I think this is Peter acting like Peter,  he is a passionate man.  He often is subject to flares of emotion.   He is speaking with appropriate fire in this verse.   God's Love is worth that passion.  He is   simplifying things for a simple world.   "hey guys, he paid the price for you in pain and blood, so that you can be sin free and happy"  Remember Peter is talking about a friend here, not just his Lord.  He is speaking about a man who he is highly in touch with.  A man he traveled with, and ate with, and probably told jokes around a campfire with, so it is very personal to him.  He wants you to remember the sacrifice not just for your own sake, but also in honor of those feelings.  I get the concept of physical manifestation of pain and sin.  I am experiencing great loss and suffering right now.   I was living in sin with a woman for 3.5 years.  I should have married her.  We split up.  As soon as she left, I knew she was the love of my life.   She married another, a man whom I can not respect, and can barely pray for. (trust me on this he's a real turd).  My pain is physical.  The heartache palpable.  The sleeplessness exhausting.   So I get the concept of physical manifestation of pain.  But, I do not expect that my suffering will result in her return.   I just pray remembering that living by righteousness is the only chance for me to be happy.   

25 For “you were like sheep going astray,”[f] but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.

The key phrase here is returned to the Shepherd, although Overseer of your soul is pretty dang good as well.  I have returned to the Shepherd, if I was ever really there in the first place.   I am his.  I will continue my calling and my silly little on line ministry.   Knowing that he has a plan for my life and trusting that plan.  I can't imagine a life with out her, but now I pray for his direction and him to reveal a plan for me.   I let him oversee my life.  But I still pray prayers of my hearts desire.  "thy will be done,  but Lord please, please fill her heart again with love for you, make her the brave woman she once was.  Give her the courage to break the cycle and keep herself and her children safe.  And if you could make her return to me... that would be awesome."  
My pastor talked about beating God's door down with prayer.  I compare that to the concept of shepherd and overseer.  He talked about our deepest Godly desires being answered, if we are truly filled with faith.  The problem with that line of thinking is that what you are supposed to desire most is God's will.  So that creates a phenomenological paradox.  If you pray for God's will above all else then what ever happens can be seen as Gods will.   A paradox.   So yes I pray for God's will and guidance in my life.  But I also pray constantly for her heart to return to the Lord, and for her to return to me.  But is praying for the end of a marriage a Godly prayer?  I pray for God's guidance regarding that.  Certainly there are mitigating factors of safety, dishonesty, unholiness, and cruelty.  But I don't know the answer,  so I trust in my overseer, and shepherd.  I know if God grants me the chance I will hold on to her and honor her forever.  If he does not I will love her from a far.  She was the one.  So that you don't think me a complete fool,  know that she has shared her continuing love for me as well, but does not know what to do.   So pray for her to return to the Lord, he will guide her.    And if you love someone, truly love them, don't be a dope, marry them.

Its an interesting conundrum in my broken journey.   Yes, many of my posts will lament this situation.  God has guided me to realize that commentary with out application to a real world circumstance can fall on deaf ears.   So please forgive the sappiness.   If it helps one of you avoid the pain I am dealing with, then I will count my pain as a blessing.  

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